The Business Council of Manitoba exists to make Manitoba a preferred place to live, work, and invest – we care about the health, wellbeing, and safety of all Manitobans. The Business Council of Manitoba CauseConnector is a resource page to connect people with the means to help with a charity campaign they feel passionate for. Let’s work together and make Manitoba a better province for all. RAY BOUCHARD HSC Operation Excellence Corporate Challenge Since its launch in 2022, the Health Sciences Centre Foundation’s Operation Excellence fundraising campaign has ignited a movement within the community, aimed at revolutionizing surgical care at Health Sciences Centre — Manitoba’s hospital. This ambitious campaign strives to significantly reduce surgical wait times, enhance patient care, and attract and retain top-tier surgical talent to HSC, all while alleviating the pressures on HSC’s Emergency Department. As progress continues the HSC Foundation is now calling on business leaders to play a pivotal role. Read More “The campaign is going well. Donors are hearing the message and responding generously. New equipment is already in use, and new surgeons have joined the HSC team,” says Rach Bouchard, HSC Foundation Board member and Co-Chair of the Operation Excellence Corporate Challenge. “But to accelerate the campaign, to feel the full impact, we’ve launched the Operation Excellence Corporate Challenge.” “We’re inviting businesses to step forward with a $250,000 gift to be recognized as a Leader, or a $100,000 gift to be recognized as a Founder. All gifts are payable over five years. And all gifts will make a significant difference in the care provided by HSC,” says Katie Hall Hursh, Vice Chair of the HSC Foundation Board and Co-Chair of the Operation Excellence Corporate Challenge. To date, Operation Excellence has enabled HSC to acquire critical pieces of technology, including an advanced navigational system for neurosurgery that allows surgeons to pinpoint the location of abnormalities in the brain, and a new urology tower and flexible scopes equipped with cameras, allowing surgeons to find and remove problematic tissue through the smallest incisions possible. Along with equipment purchases, the campaign is also funding vital infrastructure upgrades, such as the expansion of HSC’s Pain Clinic, and the development of new operating rooms at the former Women’s Hospital on Notre Dame Ave. and within the Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine. With continued momentum, Operation Excellence will equip our health care professionals with essential enhancements, such as a high-acuity surgical step-down unit, a specialized operating room for stroke patients, and more. “With your support, HSC’s surgeons can have the equipment they need to do their best work, so Manitobans and our patients from Nunavut and Northwestern Ontario can live their best lives,” says Bouchard. “That’s what Operation Excellence is all about.” For more information, contact Tansey Buike at or 204-953-2798. LEARN MORE WATCH CORPORATE CHALLENGE VIDEO JOHN BOCKSTAEL Toba Centre for Children & Youth Toba Centre for Children & Youth (formerly Snowflake Place) opened in 2013, offering this safe, neutral, family-friendly setting and in 2015, two forensic interviewers began conducting interviews of children and youth. Since that time, they have conducted over 2,500 interviews and been witness to the challenges that children and families face when attempting to navigate the systems responding to child abuse. They are currently evolving their centre into a fully functioning child advocacy centre for Manitoba. Talk to Christy Dzikowicz, Executive Director to learn more or donate.x-cdzikowicz@winnipeg.ca204-390-0972 LEARN MORE Find a Cause Agape Table - Capital Campaign Agape Table - Capital Campaign For over 44 years, Agape Table has provided nourishment, support, and comfort to Winnipeg’s most vulnerable in the inner city from within leased buildings and church basements. Agape Table operates its vital food and meal programs every weekday morning, serving as an invaluable resource to Winnipeg’s core area and surrounding communities. Agape Table is now asking for support in a capital campaign to build their own building to run their services out and provide sit-down meals in a safe, secure, and welcoming environment. See the details of their capital campaign and how to contribute here YMCA-YWCA Strong Kids Campaign YMCA-YWCA Strong Kids Campaign There are many families and youths that would benefit from a membership at the YMCA-YWCA and you can help provide that for them by sponsoring a youth or a family membership for the year! Youth membership sponsorship — $400 Family membership — $1,400 The Peguis Selkirk Treaty Monument The Peguis Selkirk Treaty Monument The Peguis Selkirk Treaty Monument, situated on the Legislative Grounds, will serve as a lasting tribute to the first Treaty in Western Canada between First Nations and the Crown, as well as the subsequent numbered Treaties with Canada. The monument is intended to promote reconciliation between First Nations and non-Indigenous Manitobans by highlighting the spirit and intent of the Treaties, emphasizing the themes of respect, coexistence, cooperation, and conciliation that were present during the Treaty negotiations between Chief Peguis, allied Chiefs, Lord Selkirk, and his Scottish settlers. Located on the grounds of the Legislative Building, it will be the first and only acknowledgement on the grounds of First Nations contributions to the founding and development of Manitoba. The Monument has been supported by the Manitoba Government and all Opposition parties, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba. Design The Monument will feature a 3.6m bronze statue of Chief Peguis and inscriptions commemorating him and other signatory Chiefs — Mache Wheseab, Le Sonnant; Mechkaddewikonaie, La robe noir; Kayajieskebinoa, L’Homme Noir; and Ouckidoat, Le Premier — as well as King George III, and Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk. The inscription will also acknowledge Treaty violations and enroachement on First Nations lands. Contributions The Friends of the Peguis Selkirk Treaty Inc. are working to erect the Treaty Monument on the Grounds of the Manitoba Legislative Building and are looking for support to reach their fundraising target. The Province of Manitoba has already made a significant contribution. Please email John D. Perrin, Co-Chair & Treasurer, Friends of the Peguis Selkirk Treaty Inc., at to find out how you can support this historic project. Harry j. Enns wetland discovery centre at oak hammock marsh capital campaign Harry j. Enns wetland discovery centre at oak hammock marsh capital campaign